
Trade up your Rewards

For Red Letter Days vouchers

£20 Red Letter Days voucher code for £10 Rewards

Trade up £10 Rewards for a £20 Red Letter Days voucher code. Trade ups available as e-code or e-voucher will be displayed on screen and a copy will be sent to your e-mail address shortly afterwards.

Red Letter Days is all about treating yourself (or a loved one, if you're really generous) to really special moments. That can be everything from a few hours of being pampered at a luxury spa to real memorable experiences, like supercar driving or hot air ballooning. And it's not just for one individual - lots of them are for two people to enjoy together, or even bigger groups.

A few things to bear in mind:

  • Each voucher code is worth £20 credit at Red Letter Days.
  • Voucher codes are valid for 6 months. All credit must be used by this date.
  • Once a purchase of an experience has been made, you will have 12 months to make a booking.
  • Cannot be used in conjunction with existing offers, promotions, discount codes or cashback.
  • Standard Red Letter Days terms apply.

MyRewards exclusions