Service Status

Find out how our services are running

Our service updates

Find out important updates related to our range of business services. You can also see if our range of services are running as we expect. We'll keep you updated if we're aware of any issues, or if we're planning a period of maintenance soon.

Online and Mobile services


Service working normally

Bankline Mobile

Service working normally

Autopay Online

Service working normally

Autopay Online Plus

Service working normally

Cash and Coin Order Forms

Service working normally

Direct channels

Bankline Direct

Services working normally

Data services

Services working normally

Payments and card services


Service working normally

Credit Cards

Service working normally

Branch & Telephone updates

If you're a Business banking customer requiring branch or telephone services, see our updates below, or visit our service status page for any planned maintenance or service disruptions.


Services working normally

ATM network

Services working normally

Telephone Services

Services working normally

Protect your business from fraudsters

Fraudsters are exploiting the spread of coronavirus to facilitate fraud and cyber-crime. Take action to protect your business.

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